GET Introducing Tizen / Intel Blog / Sudo Null IT News FREE

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Almost ii years have passed since the promulgation of Tizen OS by the LiMo Foundation and Linux Foudation organizations, but this topic is standing non adequately mantled in Habré. Therein article, I will precede you to the new operating system, review the basic development tools and resources connected with it, and talk about ways to make a profit victimization Tizen.

Tizen is an open reservoir operational system supported on the Linux kernel. It is designed for smartphones, tablets, PCs and past devices and runs on processors with ARM and x86 architectures. Tizen is supported by Linux Foudation and a enumerate of large companies inside the Tizen Association consortium: these are OEM manufacturers (such as Intel, Samsung, Panasonic, NEC, Huawei), and mobile operators (Chromatic, Vodafone, SK Telecom, Telefónica, NTT DoCoMo). The Steering Committee (Technical Steering Group) is formed by Intel and Samsung.

Features and architecture of Tizen

Initially, Tizen was formed as an operating system, the development for which was to occur entirely using Web technologies. This idea is not new and was used in  webOS , so in  Google Chrome OS . You can observe an representative of much an experience for Mobile River devices, following the developing of Firefox OS . This approach left a careful form on the current put forward of Tizen. For example,  Tizen's WebKit2- based browser has the highest level of bear out for HTML5 standards. You can verify this using the site hypertext transfer protocol://, see how good your browser is). In the test, Tizen scores 492 points impossible of 500 possible, patc in second place is also the mobile web browser used on BlackBerry 10 devices with 485 points, and among Microcomputer applications the ordinal is Maxthon 4.0 , which scored only 476. Today the sole problems are Tizen's compatibility with HTML5 is associated with WebM, Drag and drop, and Arrow Whorl for video and animation.

HTML5 browser support

In accession, the development of applications for Tizen can atomic number 4 only done using entirely a bunch of HTML5 / JavaScript / CSS. The fact is that Tizen non solitary offers Vane components for building a drug user interface and supports W3C / HTML5 standards , only also provides a Web API for managing applications (alarms and reminders, installed applications, information exchange), communication (Bluetooth, messages, NFC etc.), content, file system, arranger (bookmarks, calendar, call history, contacts), system functions (power, organization info, system settings, time) and notifications.

On the some other hand, protrusive with version 2.0, Tizen has added native development tools using C ++ - Samsung has used the developments for the bada operational system, thus there is a high level of compatibility with the bada 2.0 API. This makes it possible to natively germinate productive applications using OpenGL ES, OpenAL and OpenMP technologies and the Glibc, libstdc ++ and libxml2 libraries.

Tizen Architecture

The current Tizen architecture device pot be seen in the figure above. It is based on the Linux kernel and device drivers. The main subsystem consists of open source libraries and a set of APIs for supporting the work of the WWW and endemic environments.

Versions and Tizen Options

Now most clearly you can observe the development of Tizen for mobile devices. This is incisively the translation of the operating system that is old for the emulator in the Tizen SDK and on Samsung devices for developers. In 2012, the Samsung RD-210 device was distributed , based on the Galaxy S2 HD hardware platform. Now the on-going device is Samsung RD-PQ , supported the Galaxy S3. It has a Super AMOLED screen with a capacitive sensor and a resolving power of 720x1280, an Exynos Quad chipset, including a 1.4 GHz Cortex A9 quad-core processor, cardinal cameras (8 MP independent and 1.9 Military policeman front), a set of sensors, Bluetooth, NFC, etc. ..

Hardly the other day, connected July 22, a new version 2.2 was releasedoperating system and developing tools, in which errors are fixed, support for hardware buttons "Carte du jour" and "Back" is added and some changes to the interface and API are made.

Screenshots Tizen 2.2

At the end of Crataegus oxycantha , a Tizen developer conference was held , at which, inter alia, the in vogue developments were presented. At this conference, Tizen version 3.0 was announced, which is scheduled for release in 2014. This version is for PCs and laptops. The subject area sampling of this version of the operative system (Tizen PC) using the GNOME 3 desktop was demonstrated on Intel ultrabooks.

Some other version of Tizen that was given at the group discussion is Tizen IVI (in-vehicle infortainment)for car infotainment systems. Congenial equipment was demonstrated at Land Rover.

Tizen IVI was adopted Eastern Samoa a standard by the GENVI bond and was primitively developed supported Tizen 2.0 for the x86 architecture (there is a way to install this version on computers with Intel processors). But few weeks ago, a version based connected the Tizen 3.0 code was released, which is planned to be used in proximo developments. It is curious that Tizen IVI became interested not only in such companies as Jaguar and Toyota, but also in the domestic KAMAZ .

In addition, the possibleness of using Tizen-based software for completely different types of devices in the early is being considered: TVs, digital signal receivers, multimedia systems, and even house appliances.

Development for Tizen

The main development tool for Tizen is the Tizen SDK , which includes an Eclipse-based IDE, a put together of tools ( Web-simulator , Emulator, Interface Designer and others), a compiling program, documentation and sample applications. The Tizen SDK builds are available for Ubuntu (x32 / x64), Windows XP and Windows 7 (x32 / x64), Orchard apple tree Mac Operating system X 10.7 Lion, and 10.8 Mountain Lio (x64). Also in the SDK, you can add a tool for transferring applications created for bada by connecting an additional depository .

Tizen IDE

Just there are early development tools that support Tizen. For example, Intel XDK , a cross-chopine development tool exploitation HTML5, and Intel HTML5 App Porter Tool , which allows you to convert iOS programs to HTML5 applications. Design, prototype and debug interfaces with Tizen UX Layouter & Composer . Information technology is likewise important to bank note that the development of games for Tizen was supported by Havok ( Project Anarchy ), Unity Technologies ( Unity3D ), Marmalade ( PhoneGap ), Game Salad and YoYo Games, adapting their engines and tools. And developers using the favorite Qt toolkit should be interested in rapidly developingproject planned to ensure the work of Qt-applications on devices with Tizen .

Profits with Tizen

As it is now accepted, Tizen has its own app store - Tizen Store, which was developed past Samsung. The corresponding program will be preinstalled on for each one device. The customer part of the Tizen Store is not til now available, but developers have already been given the chance to download applications to the  trafficker office . This allows the first to invade the shut up relatively free recess of the application program market. The Tizen Store can host HTML5 applications, native and hybrid. In the future, it is planned to support other multimedia depicted object. The key features of the store are a quick analysis process of downloaded applications, which takes no much than three years, and a high-pitched share of the developer's profit from the sale of applications - 70%.

Tizen store

On that point are also contests and hackathons for Tizen developers around the world. For example, on July 10, the Tizen App Challenge began a competition for applications that will end along Nov 1. A distinctive feature of this contest are vast John Cash prizes - a total fund of more than $ 4 one thousand thousand! 54 winners will represent selected in nine categories (3 gaming and 6 non-gaming). In improver, developers of the top ten HTML5 applications will receive additive prizes. This is a great opportunity to get a valuable reward for your abilities, hurry to participate!

Tizen App Challenge

Tizen on the Cyberspace

The main resource for information along Tizen is , supported by the Linux Grounding. It consists of several sections:

  • the main page contains general information, news and announcements of upcoming events,
  • connected the page for developers you can download the SDK, see the support and participate in discussions on the forum,
  • The source code Page is dedicated to developing the Tizen weapons platform and porting it to devices.

In addition, there is a bug-taker and a plane section for wiki articles .

This concludes my preceding article, and I invite you to follow the Tizen intelligence on Chitter and the VKontakte group .

Kirill Chuvilin,
Tizen Russian Community Manager, Intel Corporation


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