Blonde Anime Girl Wearing A Full Mask

Blonde Anime Girl Wearing A Full Mask

If y'all've got a affair for blonde haired anime bombshells, so this article is for you! They are not only beautiful and pretty, only likewise incredibly talented, smart and efficient. Allow's accept a look at the 20 most popular anime girls with blonde pilus on MyAnimeList!

The following data was taken from the Grapheme Ranking Page on MAL on the date of publication and is based on the corporeality of times each graphic symbol is added to a user's "Character Favorites" section.

xx. Seras Victoria from Hellsing

Fellow member Favorites: 1876

Seras Victoria Hellsing Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Seras Victoria Hellsing Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

Seras Victoria is a hot, blonde haired policewoman who, later on a turn of events, gets turned into a vampire. Her face is both sharp and cute, which compliment her mood swings perfectly, as she unremarkably acts similar an average tomboy but can transition into a super scary psycho when you least expect information technology! I guess some MAL users similar their blonde anime girls with a hint of crazy.

Like girls with guns? Come across them in action hither!

nineteen. Misa Amane from Death Notation

Member Favorites: 1878

Misa Amane Death Note Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Misa Amane Death Note Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

A beautiful, attractive and sexy model who too tends to be "a flake" also hyperactive at times. Misa has a huge crush on Light Yagami and is willing to exercise annihilation for him. That can be seen in the fact that she completely devotes her life to him (and his decision to massacre all evil people in the world). This anime girl with blonde hair is more than than just a pretty confront!

xviii. Kyouko Toshinou from Yuru Yuri

Member Favorites: 1896

Kyouko Toshinou Yuru Yuri Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Kyouko Toshinou Yuru Yuri Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

Kyouko is an energetic fourteen-twelvemonth-old girl who is so devoted to her otaku means that nobody around her seems to exist able to go along up. However, this blonde haired angel is so cute that it is hard to hold it against her.

17. Konjiki no Yami from To LOVE-Ru

Member Favorites: 1924

Konjiki no Yami To LOVE-Ru Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Konjiki no Yami gif To LOVE-Ru Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

She is a perfect instance of a kuudere anime girl with blonde hair. She is a strong and powerful assassin who is normally very withdrawn and dispassionate. She cannot stand "ecchi" people and even goes then far as attacking people who, according to her, belong to that category.

sixteen. Fate Testarossa from Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha)

Fellow member Favorites: 2049

Fate Testarossa Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Fate Testarossa Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

Fate is a serious and strong-willed anime girl with blonde hair who is cold at the start, but later reveals her sweeter side. Her surname is a reference to the convertible Ferrari Testarossa.

15. Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist

Fellow member Favorites: 2092

Riza Hawkeye Fullmetal Alchemist Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Riza Hawkeye Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

Riza is Roy Mustang'due south most trusted and efficient subordinate. This badass blondie may expect cute, simply if you tell a stupid blonde joke to her... get ready to encounter her double pistols!

xiv. Sena Kashiwazaki from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (Haganai)

Member Favorites: 2346

Sena Kashiwazaki Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Haganai Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Sena Kashiwazaki Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

Niku is attractive, with beautiful blonde hair, and academically successful, simply also very arrogant. She loves playing video games, probably because it is the only place where she is able to make friends. She is admired by her male person peers for her gaming skills.

13. Usagi Tsukino from Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon

Member Favorites: 2526

Usagi Tsukino Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Usagi Tsukino Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

Usagi (also known every bit Serena and Bunny) is the master female character of the Sailor Moon franchise, including the nearly recent serial Sailor Moon Crystal. She is probably 1 of the most famous anime girls with blonde pilus in the manufacture. Usagi is first portrayed equally a weak crybaby. Notwithstanding, throughout the series, she manages to evolve into a tougher and wiser Sailor Guardian.

12. Chii from Chobits

Member Favorites: 2554

Chii Chobits Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Chii gif Chobits Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

Chii is a cute Persocom (a robot with a human-like appearance) with long blonde pilus, protruded ears and huge, round optics. She has an adorable expression on her face up and even though she is unable to speak at the beginning, she gradually learns how to communicate with those shut to her.

11. Miria Harvent from Baccano!

Fellow member Favorites: 2556

Miria Harvent Baccano! Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Miria Harvent Baccano! Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

Miria is an eccentric thief and Isaac Dian's partner. Both of them seem dumb and oblivious from time to time, simply they tend to bear witness great amore for people they care nearly and even those they meet for the start fourth dimension. Miria also seems to be a positive and cute character, able to add a little sunshine to everyone'southward day with her cute blonde hair and bright personality.

10. Tsumugi Kotobuki from Grand-On!

Member Favorites: 2571

Tsumugi Kotobuki K-On! Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Tsumugi Kotobuki K-On! Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

Tsumugi, also known every bit Mugi, is probably one of the sweetest and almost gentle female anime characters ever. She is also considered a piano prodigy who plays the keyboard in her gild band. Her golden blonde pilus sways to the sounds of her schoolhouse music group'due south catchy tunes.

9. Teresa from Claymore

Member Favorites: 2575

Teresa Claymore Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Teresa Claymore gif Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

I know, I know. Just most everyone in Claymore has blonde hair. Just no other grapheme in the series could pull off that badass warrior look with such elegance. Teresa has a motherly warmth which is amplified by her gentle, golden locks!

8. Kirino Kousaka from Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai (My Piddling Sister Can't Exist This Cute)

Member Favorites: 2873

Kirino Kousaka Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai (My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute) Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Kirino Kousaka Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai (My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute) Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

Kirino is a cute younger sister with an obvious brother complex, but she has sure tsundere tendencies that cause her to hide her true feelings by being abusive and bratty, which tin can drive those around her crazy. However, no matter how snobby and annoying this blonde haired anime girl can exist, she is still cute when she is caught off guard.

vii. Victorique de Blois from Gosick

Member Favorites: 3270

Victorique de Blois Gosick Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Victorique de Blois Gosick Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

Victorique de Blois is a doll-similar blonde daughter who, as shocking equally it may seem, smokes a pipe and has a voice that sounds every bit if it belongs to someone much more... mature? This eccentric beliefs and her sharp tongue make her stand out amongst other female characters. Alongside her beautiful golden locks, she besides possesses astonishing detective skills!

vi. Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail

Member Favorites: 3650

Lucy Heartfilia Fairy Tail Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Lucy Heartfilia Fairy Tail Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

Lucy is a hot blonde girl who is confident in her looks and does not heed flaunting her sexiness. She loves reading and writing, and is probably the most logical of the Fairy Tail guild members. A blonde haired bombshell with brawns and brains... but in anime, only in anime.

5. Kaori Miyazono from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April)

Fellow member Favorites: 4099

Kaori Miyazono Shigatsu wa kimi no uso Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Kaori Miyazono Shigatsu wa kimi no uso gif Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

Kao-chan is one of the most pop blonde haired girls in anime. Her beautiful blonde pilus compliments the gentle sound of her violin performance. Her costless-spirited fashion of music and positive personality serve as a source of inspiration for other characters in the series as well equally fans in the real globe.

4. Chitoge Kirisaki from Nisekoi (Imitation Love)

Fellow member Favorites: 4317

Chitoge Kirisaki Nisekoi Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Chitoge Kirisaki Nisekoi Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

Chitoge Kirisaki is a misjudged young daughter who has a actually hard time making friends. For those who are able to climb her fence of tsundere, there lies a warm, gentle core that is brighter than her golden locks of cute blonde hair.

3. Mashiro Shiina from Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo(The Pet Girl of Sakurasou)

Member Favorites: 6585

Mashiro Shiina Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Mashiro Shiina Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

Calling all blondes impaired is a stereotype. Calling Mashiro Shiina dumb is a fact. Still, what she lacks in common sense, she makes up for with her astonishing drawing skills! This proves that talent is something you lot are born with, while brains take fourth dimension. In Mashiro'southward case a lot of fourth dimension.

two. Shinobu Oshino from Bakemonogatari

Member Favorites: 7982

Shinobu Oshino Bakemonogatari Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Shinobu Oshino Bakemonogatari Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

With her mischievous eyes and cute fangs, Shinobu Oshino has stolen the hearts of tons of fans worldwide (including 7982 MAL users). She was first introduced as a quiet, mysterious grapheme, but in Nisemonogatari she takes on a more active role and fifty-fifty reveals a brighter personality to go perfectly with her blonde hair.

1. Saber from Fate/stay night

Member Favorites: 12521

Saber Fate/stay.night Anime Girls with Blonde Hair Saber Fate/stay.night Anime Girls with Blonde Hair

And finally, the meridian anime girl with blonde hair on MyAnimeList is... everyone'south favorite female warrior―Saber from Fate/stay night! She may appear cold-blooded, but that is only a role she plays in order to accomplish her goals. Inside, she is a immature women with worries and doubts, but the fact that she is strong enough to hide those feelings also adds to her entreatment. Fate is also probably one of the most attractive characters in anime, although she would rather die than admit it. The number of fans that worship her lonely is proof of her supreme feminine allure, due in function to her beautiful blonde pilus!

If you only tin can't get enough of these funky anime pilus colors, please feel complimentary to check out the following articles:
Girls with Blue Hair
Girls with Black Pilus
Girls with Pink Hair
Girls with Light-green Hair
Girls with Silver Hair
Girls with Purple Hair
Girls with Crimson Hair
Girls with Brown Hair


Blonde Anime Girl Wearing A Full Mask

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